Our Community's Values in Action
Today is MLK Day, a national day of service, and a great day for me to thank our community for all that they have contributed to the Homewood Science Center and for what they have done for me.
1500 hours of service have been tallied since we began programming last year. Hundreds have contributed their talents and treasures. Truly remarkable, yet not surprising.
I have lived in this community for five decades and have witnessed countless unselfish acts by my neighbors over the years. Whatever needs to be done, whatever it takes. Not only on MLK Day, but everyday is a day to serve others in this community.
It is not just what our volunteers do, it is how they do it. One of the privileges of leading the Homewood Science Center is to watch our volunteers at work. I get to see the light in their eyes and the goodness in their hearts as they help a child, talk with a parent or unselfishly share their life's work. This light ignites not only interest in and understanding of science, but puts our community values into action. This is a community that is connected to each other and so when Dr. King asks, 'What are You Doing for Others?' So much, today and everyday.
Warm regards,
Edie Dobrez
Executive Director