field trips
Group visits to Homewood Science Center
Explore Field Trip options:
Exploring Engineering!
90 minutes
Price: $350 per session
60 student maximum
Facilitated and engaging presentation
Hear about the engineering design process from real engineers in our community
Student teams will create roller coaster models using recycled materials
60 min
Contact Janna at jhenry@homewoodsciencecenter.org with any customer service needs.
We will get back to you about scheduling within 48 hours.
After confirming a date(s), you will be invoiced and payment may be made online or by check. Payment is required prior to the field trip date. Thank you!

Your school may qualify for field trip costs covered by a grant from the Cook County Community Development Block Grant Program.
Ask us!
Designed to immerse PreK-8th grade students in NGSS science and engineering practices, sparking curiosity, interest, and confidence.

Next Generation Science Standards
Exploring Engineering builds towards NGSS performance expectations!